New HC Bands

New Hardcore Band Spotlight: Day of Salvation

Band: Day of Salvation
From: Malang, Indonesia

Their formation story:
(Ino Al Kaff, vocals): "So, this band was actually born in late 2017. It's quite difficult to learn about a band that initially sucks at any material. This band started with the name Coldlines, we carry it wherever we play, but the ups and downs of personnel changes are normal in a band.

"In 2021, we filled the lineup with several new members who are also our close friends. From there we changed the name to Day of Salvation, which means 'may our day and that of others remain safe and alive.' Also, because I like the band Day of Suffering.

"We worked hard figuring out our sound, and it produced results even though it sounded a little different from the current material. We also aim to continue the metallic hardcore culture that has almost faded from our hometown, Malang City, Indonesia. To continue to exist, we don't just have to put up the slogan 'HC style/pure/bla bla' but also for the movement we are running."

Their sound in their own words:
"If you listen to the beginnings of our songs 'Forever Murder' and 'Unholy of Dying World,' it might be said to be quite traditional. Our initial material was quite simple in the sense of mid-'90s metalcore, such as Congress, Kindred, Culture, and Liar.

"We finally started to evolve and explore our sound together. In the end, we got caught up in the late '90s and early '00s metalcore styles."

Latest release info:
"The latest EP is called Falling From Grace to Eternal Damnation, which means, we were created and born from loved ones who were given gifts, like Adam and Eve in Heaven, but fall to Earth (hell). 

"People often forget their self-awareness, which causes very serious confusion. Carrying all out wars, torturing each other and living creatures, lying to God, destroying natural life and living creatures and other human cruelty."

Future plans:
"We hope to play shows in other countries. We also want to contribute to any positive movement in this world that is in the name of humanity and the natural environment."

What other bands from their region should we check out?
There is so much in this city that you have to listen to: Breath of Despair, Difficult and Hard, Children of Terror, Excrowded, Roots of Earth, Keep It Real, Seek and Destroy, Dazzle, and Syndrome.


Day of Salvation on social media: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


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