Band: Common Bond
From: Tampa, Florida
Their formation story:
"All of us had been in bands with one another at some point. It was just a matter of us getting together to finally iron this band out. We have all been friends for 20 years at this point."
Their sound in their own words:
"We are a faster hardcore band. Not Youth Crew, but that energy. We just want kids to stage dive and sing along."
Latest release info:
"These 5 songs had been percolating in various forms for the past few years. A riff here or there. We finally put it all together over the course of a few months earlier this year.
"The subject matter ranges from a song about a friend who passed away last year, to being resilient while facing your doubts to just hanging out and laughing with your friends."
Future plans:
"We just played our first show on November 9th with Madball, Death Before Dishonor and bunch more. It was part of a fest called Hammer and Nail. All the profit went to our friend’s children. He is what the song 'Positive Impact' is about. From there, who knows."
What other bands from your region should we check out?
"The Tampa area has a great and wide variety of bands. Some to check out are: Forever's Horizon, Drawn Out, Plague Spitter, and Spit Truth."

Tagged: common bond