"Bad Ideals was formed after our vocalist pressured me and our guitar player to meet up in jam," says drummer/vocalist Jaycob D Puente. "We hardly knew each other and we didn't really think it would work sense our music taste was different at the time, but we instantly clicked and Bad Ideals was born."
Jaycob is chatting with No Echo today to celebrate the recent vinyl release of the San Antonio hardcore outfit's You Can't Have It All at Once EP. "We didn't have a bass player for a while. It wasn't until Josh introduced us to Mat at a party and we later joked about him joining the band.
"He wasn't a bass player at the time, he only played a little guitar but was so down he went out and bought bass equipment and a D.R.I shirt shortly after and really proved to us he was serious about the band.
"Honestly, it was the D.R.I shirt that really won us over."
You Can't Have It All at Once is a showcase of absolute ferocity, and listening to Jaycob tell it, he and his Bad Ideals bandmates have learned from some of the best: "As far as influences go, they're honestly all over the place. But within metal/punk it's everything from Dead in the Dirt to Gang Green to Insect Warfare to Leeway. We love it all."

With the EP getting an extra push now with its vinyl release, No Echo asks Jaycob how their local scene in San Antonio has received the band since they formed a few years ago. "We're San Antonio's most hated band. Too hard. Too loud. Too fast. We're balls to the wall and we don't care who knows it.
"Anyways, in the past it felt like Bad Ideals didn't really 'fit' in. We felt like we were too hardcore for the punk kids and too punk for the hardcore kids... That type of thing. But because we didn't have a unified sound and we have a little bit of this and a little but of that, Bad Ideals, over time, has been lucky enough to play with almost every subgenre scene our city/Texas, well under the umbrella of metal and punk, of course.
"Some of these friends are in fantastic bands like GodShell from ATX, Fvrorem from Temple, TX, Critical Condition from HTX, Earth Again from Laredo, Disowned from ATX, and locals like Death Cult, Hated Bodies, Executioner, and Outcomes (RIP)."
You Can't Have It All at Once is available on vinyl via Mangoe Records, cassette through Baby Rakin Music, and digitally on Bandcamp.
Bad Ideals on social media: Facebook | Instagram
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Tagged: bad ideals