Band: Psychic Ordinance
From: Maine
Their formation story:
"Psychic Ordinance began formation some time around summer of 2022. Ryan kicked the idea of starting a band at me (Brandon) and we started writing New England style hardcore, pitched some demos to Chris and Colby and started jamming all together that fall.
"The demo was written pretty fast, things moved a bit slower until recording, but now that the demo is done we’ve honed in on doing a proper EP next."
Their sound in their own words:
"The demo is sort of us experimenting with different elements of hardcore. Going forward I would compare us to an '80s-era fast hardcore punk band through the lens of New England style. If you dig United Mutation, Boston Strangler, Youth Attack! bands, etc., you’ll probably like where the music is heading."
Latest release info:
"Chris and Ryan have been talking about doing a band that drenches itself in horror movie motif for close to a decade. After a couple of short-lived attempts, this one has finally seen the light of day. Lyrically, the demo focuses on being yourself in the face of opposition and doing what you can to push back against that opposition.
"It was fun to break up the monotony of these topics by weaving in shapeshifting werewolves and night-time voyeurs. We’re looking forward to taking the more raw aspects of these songs and continuing to refine moving forward."
Future plans:
"We’re writing some tracks for an EP and to have enough material for a set. We have yet to play any gigs so that’s a priority for us at the moment. We’re hoping to do a long weekend mid-Atlantic run this August."
What are some other bands from their region should we check out?
"Here’s some Maine hardcore you should check out from our region, both past and present: Corrective Measure, Infernal Diatribe, Gumskab, Secret Work, Langoliers, Misery Whip, Gasoline Dream, DNA, Cruel Hand, Outbreak, and Wake Up Call."
Psychic Ordinance on social media: Instagram

Tagged: psychic ordinance