Band: Headripper
From: Winston Salem, North Carolina
Their formation story:
(Dustin Dean, vocals): "Even though Robert and I technically formed Headripper in December 2014, we didn’t start play shows regularly until August 2022. Initially, I was on drums and vocals, Robert played rhythm guitar, Joey was on lead guitar, and Bobby played bass. This lineup was short-lived, with Joey and Bobby leaving the band in 2015 after only a few house shows.
"Following their departure, Robert and I continued as a two-piece, playing a handful of shows with him on guitar and me on drums and vocals. In August 2022, we recruited Trey on drums and Seth on bass, allowing us to play shows more regularly, about once or twice a month, and quickly establish ourselves in the local hardcore/metal scene. In December, Trey left to focus on school and other projects, and we brought in Gabe on drums and Kyle on lead guitar."
Their sound in their own words:
"I’d describe our sound as loud, fast, and mean. At this point, we epitomize a crossover band, straddling the line between hardcore punk and thrash metal. Our influences range from classic thrash/hardcore acts like early Metallica, Cro-Mags, Sepultura, and Voivod to contemporary bands like DRAIN, Mindforce, Gallows, and Power Trip.
"My lyrics come from a very angry place, mostly about people or things that piss me off."
Latest release info:
"Our newest release, Sonic Devastation, dropped on June 8. We embraced a DIY approach and recorded it at my place, resulting in a raw and minimal production that we feel captures the energy of our live shows perfectly. The lyrics are a defiant response to anyone who criticizes other bands’ music to feel superior.
"Back in high school, there was a group of pompous band kids who constantly put down what I did musically, and this song is basically a giant middle finger to them."
Future plans:
"We plan to write and record more songs for an EP, followed by our second full-length album, which we hope to release next year. In the meantime, we’ll continue playing shows and connecting with our music community and beyond."
What other bands from their region should we check out?
"There are so many, but a few that come to mind are Demiurge, Austin Royale, Paint Fumes, Nemesis, BloodRitual, and Negative Bias. A special mention goes to Fullminator from Puerto Rico, whom we played with in March. They absolutely rip, and their style and sound are reminiscent of GWAR."
Headripper on social media: Facebook | Instagram

Tagged: headripper