Omega Glory are not fucking around.
They just released their first full-length on State of Mind Recordings, and it is powerful.
The self-titled LP boasts 13 blistering songs that brim with noisy hyper-fast metallic hardcore. In fact, the LP doesn’t get to a song over a minute in length until the fourth track, “Jehova Begins With An I.” That sort of speed and power is often very difficult to execute well, but Omega Glory do it with precision.
“Acid Saint,” the LP’s third track, is one of the strongest on the record. Opening with a dissonant guitar track laid over blasting drums, the song immediately confronts the listener with gloomy but fast-paced riffage. The midtempo break that closes out the song is what makes it shine though. The break slows the pace of the song while also showcasing guitarist Brian Meehan’s sense for subtle melody in an otherwise chaotic and discordant track.
There is a steadiness to Sean McCann’s vocals on “Acid Saint” that anchor the song as well. There isn’t a need to speed up or slow down with the pace of the music, but rather a clearer focus on delivering the lyrics with authority and aggression.
Another standout track on Omega Glory’s debut LP is “Spit Fuck.” The song opens somewhat more slowly than others on the record, but quickly segues into one of the best guitar riffs on the entire LP. The guitars tear into a brief choppy riff before laying over a very cool harmonic-style complement over the rhythm track. The choppiness of the guitar tracks on “Spit Fuck” really bring the song’s power out.
And similar to “Acid Saint,” McCann’s vocals aren’t trying to keep pace or overshadow the music. They’re right alongside the dissonant guitars, offering guttural screams that provide a perfect complement to the music itself.
The record’s strongest offering is “Rule 12/Trap Door” which is actually two songs, or so it seems, cleverly bound together as one track. The “Rule 12” part is brief but offers deeply brooding mid-tempo vibe that cuts out abruptly. The song is then bridged by an ominous synth track that segues to “Trap Door.”
This part of the song offers a bit more complexity in both tempo and music, but stops so abruptly that, at first listen, I didn’t quite know what happened. And I really liked that.

The debut LP from Omega Glory is impressive in its power and brevity.
The songs crush with an aggression and dissonance that aren’t easily harnessed. But perhaps that’s to be expected given the band boasts members who played in Milhouse, Most Precious Blood, and Celebrity Murders. And while that pedigree is felt throughout Omega Glory’s record, it doesn’t cloud how impressive the LP is in its own right.
This record is heavy, gloomy, and aggressive. The lyrics are uncompromisingly acerbic. The music is jarring and well-written. Get after this release.
Get It
- State of Mind Recordings (Vinyl)
- Bandcamp (Digital)
Tagged: milhouse, most precious blood, omega glory