Erik Hultgren and Simon Petersson are two friends who live in Linköping, Sweden. Both in their 30s, they've been part of the hardcore scene in their country for many years and are avid vinyl collectors. They're so dedicated to their love of hardcore that they decided to start an Instagram page together to document their respective music collections, and that's what bring them here. This is the first time I'm adding two people into the Record Collector club at the same time!
How long have you guys been collecting records?
Erik: I started out around the age of 12. I bought punk and hard rock records on CD. The real collecting started two years later, I think. I was obsessed with Metallica, so whenever i had money, I went to the local record store to digg for gold. At its peak, I think my Metallica collection had around 60 records in it.
Simon: I don’t know exactly, but I started buying records and tapes at the first shows I attended back in ’95-’96, and by ’98 I was buying everything I could afford. Then I sold most of my stuff around 2006, and just recently got back into it, so it’s been one crazy fun and expensive year.
Where/how do you usually find your records these days?
Erik: I buy my overpriced plastic on Discogs. I also pick up stuff on eBay and directly from different labels. But yeah, Discogs is the main source. Oh, almost forgot, Simon works extra hours in a record store, so whenever I go there to hang out I end up with 1-2 records. It totaly ruins my economic situation since it's usually records I dont “need."
Simon: Mostly Discogs. I used to trade a lot ”back then,” but these days I don’t really have anything I want to part with. I would love to get back into that ’cause it was fun to interact with people with the same interest and bond over music and records, but I don’t know if I have anything anyone would want. Also, at the record store where I work, although it’s mostly non-punk/hardcore-related stuff, but it’s a great source for inspiration and discovering new music, whatever the genre.
What is the most you paid for a single record, where/how did you obtain it, and what was it?
Erik: I stumbled upon Saves the Day I’m Sorry I’m Leaving on red vinyl (ltd to 10 copies) when I went through my wan tlist on Discogs two weeks ago and bought it straight away. I realized that i would never find again, so after some negotiating over the price, I ended up paying $850, but to me it's priceless. My Holy Grail. Only the test press of that record would top that.
Simon: Most I ever payed was for American Nightmare Background Music on blood splatter. I will probably end up spending way more to obtain some of the good old stuff I used to have, but I’m not really getting into the Revelation craze just yet.
If you each had to pick one record label you feel had/has the best track record of quality releases, who would that be and what are some key titles you love?
Erik: Bridge of Compassion Records from our hometown. Their releases had such a big influence on me growing up and finding my love for hardcore. They released Outlast Positive Hardcore, Positive Youth, and to this day, it's still is one of my favourite Youth Crew records. They also had a huge part in building the local scene by putting out records by other local bands like Section 8, The Firemark, Both Sides, and First in Line.
Simon: I would say Revelation Records. Being as I grew up on fast-paced Youth Crew hardcore, that label basically put out everything that I consider classic records. Some of my favourite Rev releases are: Chain of Strength True Till Death, Gorilla Biscuits Start Today, Texas Is the Reason Do You Know Who You Are?, Farside The Monroe Doctrine, and The Judas Factor Ballads In Blue China. That being said, it’s the label that I own the least records from at the moment.
Of everything in your current collections, what would be your most prized records and why?
Erik: Thats a though one! The easy way out would be to say the red I’m Sorry I’m Leaving since i never thought i would own it. But i think its either Through Being Cool by Saves the Day or Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent by Refused. I love both those records so much and they are my go to records when ever I want to cheer up. I cant decide so I’ll go with both.
Simon: My most cherished one’s is probably the Saves the Day Can’t Slow Down test pressing, or any of the American Nightmare friends press singles. Growing up, I think the Can’t Slow Down record is one of my most listened to, even to this day, so having a test press of that feels very special.
Is there anything that frustrates you about the current record collecting scene?
Erik: Overpricing, people ask for the most ridiculous sums of money for records that are not even that hard to get by. Then there is the downside of Discogs, you cant go to a record fair or second hand shop and find gold anymore. Everyone uses Discogs to value their records.
Simon: Yeah, I’d say Discogs has been really really great, but it has also totally killed the second hand market in terms of finding gems, that never happens anymore. But as far as people pricing stuff, it works pretty much the same as stocks, the more demand, etc. I don’t mind paying lots of money for a record that holds emotional value for me, but sometimes there’s stuff like reissues that you, as a completist, just gotta have, and then I really think it sucks to pay out [laughs].
Which records are still on your want lists that you've had a tough time tracking down through the years?
Erik: I have been real lucky over the past two years or so and have found most of the records that was on my want list. There are some demos and a few 7” by local bands that I’m still looking for.
Simon: Too much stuff, always. A few American Nightmare/Give Up the Ghost records. The Hope Conspiracy Cold Blue on clear blue, The Judas Factor LP on red. I collect most (for me) hardcore memorabilia from like ’97-’04, but I kinda want to get the to roots again (X-Claim, Schism, Dischord), but I’ll get there eventually.
Follow Erik and Simon on Instagram.
Tagged: record collector