Dave Guiterrez has been part of the underground music scene since the '80s when he played in such bands as Lethal Aggression, Oblivion, and Social Decay. These days, Dave is the vocalist/guitarist of Despairadisio, a punk-infused thrash band that recently released its debut EP, Paradise of Despair.
Since he's a vet of the scene, I figured it would be fun to get Dave's picks for some of the most underrated hardcore/punk records from back in the '80s. The guy has some really great taste!
Attitude Adjustment, American Paranoia (Pusmort Records, 1986)
This record is an absolute wrecking ball but maybe it was conceived in a more metal mindset. Even though now it’s considered their best work, I think at the time, it may have been dismissed by many purists.
BGK, Jonestown Aloha! (Vögelspin Records, 1983)
True Dutch hardcore pioneers. These guys blew my mind, but the problem, I think, was that a lot of people had was this record was that it was impossible to find. I looked for almost 20 years before I found a copy on vinyl (and the very next morning after acquiring it, I sat on it and snapped it in half).
Christ on Parade, Sounds of Nature (Pusmort Records, 1985)
These guys we not around very long and it was criminally underrated at the time but is now considered incredible (west coast bands material was harder to get on the east coast).
Mental Abuse, Streets of Filth (Urinal Records, 1985)
Almost the same story as Christ on Parade, but from the opposite coast. This is true street punk that is still underrated, but on a personal level, this is my number one all-time hardcore punk record. The major problem with Menatl Abuse, I believe, was that they never did anything after this (with the exception of "Come on Baby' on a very forgettable comp record).
Raw Power, After Your Brain (Toxic Shock, 1986)
These guys never had a chance after Screams from the Gutter because that record was just so great (in my top 10 all-time). After Your Brain came up short but listening to it all these years later, it holds up. At the time, there were a lot a bands/records that flew under the radar, mainly because you really had to work hard to get most of this stuff, especially the more obscure records. Nowadays, it’s too easy and too flooded. Maybe to a different extreme, even harder?!?
Tagged: despairadisio, lethal aggression, social decay