Pilori is a band from Rouen, a region of Normandy in France. Formed in 2016, their sound should appeal to fans of everything from crusty hardcore to black metal to death metal.
"I think that Pilori is a sum of a lot of different bands, of a lot of different influences," Pilori vocalist Gr. said when he was asked about their sound during a recent conversation with No Echo. "I think this is our print now, our style, and it's that people often write and say about us.
"You can find black and death influences, blend with some grind, chaotic and crust influences. So, I could tell about bands like Napalm Death, Entombed, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Angelcorpse, Immortal, Watain, Rotten Sound, Darkthrone, Nails, Full of Hell, Gaza, Cult Leader, Converge..."
Gr. talked about Pilori's formation: "I've known my guitarist, R., for years now and one day, at the release party of his other band, The Birds End, which is instrumental post-rock, he came to see me cause he wanna play something different, something more in his black metal/death metal/crust hardcore roots. I was fucking excited about the idea to play this kind of sounds that I loved, but even more excited to play with him cause he's a great guitarist and good guy."
Back in August, Pilori released their sophomore album, Quand Bien Même L'Enfer et le Déluge S'abattraient sur Nous:
Gr. added some thoughts about the lyrical direction on the album. "The main theme is perhaps the fact of always wanting to move forward no matter what. 'Quand Bien Même L'Enfer et le Déluge S'abattraient sur Nous' means "even through hell or high water.' It's just a very bombastic way of saying 'against all odds,' 'no matter what,' etc. So that's the main theme; don't let the suffering win, don't let it get you down.
"This album also talks about subjects like the passing time, what we do of our lives to give a meaning to all of this, or even vanity, the staging of our lives on social networks to try to earn points and esteem through likes and views, of the abyssal emptiness and without any sense of it all, the superficial and artificial way people run their lifes, individualism, the run for image and pride. We're in a society of images, based on the individuality, very factitious, which glorifies the void, which generates an enormous loss of landmarks. See, people are all going mad, they're all confused, hysterical, lost."
As No Echo's chat with Gr. winded down, the subject of local music scenes came up. "In Rouen, our hometown, there's a revival of pop/pop-punk bands. There's a lot of it with a new wave of kids who are often fragile petty bourgeois. I don't tell that they're doing the wrong sounds our a bad music, no. But the new scene is more with them.
"Years ago, they were more hardcore and metal hardcore bands in Rouen. But, you know, everything is a cycle. Maybe in five years, there will be a renewal and four or five good punk hardcore or metal-whatever will be born. Anyway, actually, bands from Rouen that I really like is Hooks & Bones, Sordide, and our very great friends from Sanctuary.
"And if I think about the French scene, I could easily talk about our good friends from Fange, Worst Doubt, Whoresnation, Anna Sage and Bain de Sang, but also things like Mourir, Plebeian Grandstand, Celeste, and, of course, Hangman's Chair."
Quand Bien Même L'Enfer et le Déluge S'abattraient sur Nous is out now. Hit the Pilori Linktree to see all of the band's social media pages.
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