It goes without saying that the history of punk and hardcore has quite the story to tell and I feel very fortunate that we’re able to experience this chapter during our time. There are certain areas of the world that have a signature sound, or an influence that pioneered what we love today, and one region that’s has such an impact is the Netherlands.
Dutch punk and hardcore has constantly delivered some of the fiercest sounds the world has to offer. Look no further than Pandemonium, BGK, Fleas and Lice, Vitamin X, and Lärm for proof of that.
A good example is the Dutch legends Neuroot. This classic ensemble is still going strong and delivering some of the best Dutch punk to date. If you’re familiar with their earlier material from 1982 and onward, it is something to cherish and be proud to have in your collection…if you’re so lucky.
Formed in Doesburg, Holland back in 1980, Neuroot have had an interesting history, so if you're not familiar with it, get on it and absorb some of the best punk to come out of that region.
Neuroot has an interesting story and something that is so sought after, collectors are falling over each other to get their hands on it. Read this article from Negative Insight about the unreleased split with Fratricide. It’s also with great excitement that this material may be available soon as a new release.
For the time being, these Dutch legends now have a new LP called False Profit coming out soon and you can check out a track from it below:
In addition to releasing False Profit, Neuroot are also embarking on a 2024 tour of the US (one in Reykjavik) starting on the East Coast later this month, and then they'll be making their way to the West Coast into May:

False Profit is being released by Scene Report Record and consists of seven new tracks (side A) and five additional tracks from their previous EP, Nazi-Frie, (side B) that was previously released in 2019 from the illustrious Artcore fanzine.
You’ll expect to hear the classic song writing of Neuroot with contemporary production. But if one thing stands out about the band, it's their driving message of anarcho-punk and calling out the world for its horrors.
These latest tracks consist of the classic Neuroot energy but with a level of maturity that’s grown from the years of sincere dedication. This is punk rock that’s straightforward and honest.
If Neuroot come to your city, go support these stalwarts. They have proven to be one of the lasting greats that are still committed to the cause.

Tagged: neuroot