It's always so gratifying see the punk community pooling together talent for a greater good. In this case, Mikey Erg (The Ergs! and a million other cool bands) has teamed up with New York melodic punk outfit Postage on a new split EP, with sale proceeds being donated to the NAACP.
Heard below in all their glory, both songs were tracked during the COVID-19 lockdown, in a totally DIY way.
Mikey’s song, "Self Addressed Stamped Envelope," was recorded in his apartment in Queens, as well as the Sandwhich Shop in Oxford, North Carolina.
For their contribution, "Paranoia," Postage worked with Sean Paul Pillsworth at the Leaning Tree in Kingston, New York, with bassist Jasmine getting her parts done in Austin, Texas:
Postage's Mike Moak told No Echo that once shows and tours make a comeback, his new label, Raw Fish Eyes, will be issuing the split as a flexi 7 inch, and Shock to the System Records will be doing a run of it on cassettes.
For now, hit that Bandcamp page above and support!