"Torn Apart and Dillinger Escape Plan fighting over a pair of Creepers," is how Javier from Contraband described Tourniquet to me just the other day. Contraband is releasing the New Jersey band's I Hate the Way This Makes Me Feel. EP on CD and that one sentence sold me on them before I even heard a single lick of their music.
It turns out that Javier was right. Tourniquet do sound like '90s metalcore, but this is more than just some genre and/or nostalgia exericise. The band knows how to write this stuff really well, and "Artax" is a powerful example of that. The song is maelstrom of crashing cymbals, intertwining guitar riffs, and screechy vocals, so, yeah, it's pure chaos, but the young outfit somehow manages to make the song memorable, obviously not an easy task with so much going on.

The rest of the material on the EP brings to mind Harvest, Burnt By the Sun, and Disembodied, so if you're into that kind of stuff, get on board the Tourniquet train. I know I am.

I Hate the Way This Makes Me Feel. is available on CD via Contraband, and you can also download it via Tourniquet's Bandcamp page.
Tagged: tourniquet